06 марта 2014

CDinD: `Ethics and a socially responsible designer

Essentialist clothing, New York, N.Y.

Designer: Natalia Allen

World Economic Forum Young Global Leader and fashion designer Natalia Allen is challenging the fashion industry with a new line of clothing made in the USA by robots and designed to outlast a single season. Catering to the “slow purposeful shopper” each piece is crafted without seams from a single piece of sustainable, high-performance yarn.


“Everything in excess is opposed by nature.” ― Hippocrates

They are purists and also artists and scientists. They obsess about perfectly proportioned clothes, beautiful textiles and great fit. They purposefully create clothes that combine our minimalist style, human-centric values and playful personality. Company make precise clothes from robots. The robots they use make each product seamlessly. The streamline process saves lots of fuel and textile waste, which is pretty neat. There clothes are simple because team think simplicity is powerful. They believe one well-made dress worn a thousand ways is modern and liberating.

Dattner Architects, New York, N.Y.

Dattner Architects’ foundation is civic architecture

Their diverse practice includes the planning and design of schools, offices, housing, healthcare, transportation, recreation and infrastructure for wide range of communities and clients. 


Company believes that each project must belong to its place and time, tread lightly on the environment and inspire its users – and they have consistently sought to articulate these core values in all our work. Through their iterative design process the essential elements of a project are explored, articulated and defined. With each commission, they seek to push beyond conventional standards for sustainability, innovating high-performance approaches that align with each building program, site and resources.

Dattner Architects was commissioned to develop a conceptual design for a new Net Zero school, which on an annual basis would use no more energy than is provided by on-site renewable energy. A successful Net Zero design strategy prioritizes demand reduction through a systematic evaluation of building features beginning with the highest energy impact and lowest cost decisions.

CDinD: Advertising

“The most truthful part of a newspaper is the advertisements.” ― Thomas Jefferson

What is it?

Advertising or advertizing in business is a form of marketing communication used to encourage, persuade, or manipulate an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group) to take or continue to take some action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering, although political and ideological advertising is also common.

What is the role of Advertising?

The general roles for advertising are: satisfying and informing the general consumers by addressing their needs through goods and services, generate sales and generating trends.

Ethics of advertising

Before I started think about ethics of advertising or what is bad or good? I read both of manifesto.
In my opinion the Manifesto 2000 is really influenced on the development of advertising and how people understand it, even they are clients themselves. Advertising has gone from what it was before - a simple way of promotion and beliefs of consumers to choose this product, and not nearby. 
The last 5 years , more and more advertising companies based primarily on the conversation with the consumers. Talking about issues which in ordinary life people give little thought or they simply don't have time to notice them. As a result, it gave great impact to the development of advertising design. By means of this, the designers got a chance to ask new questions, it expands the boundaries of simple and primitive advertisement. For designers now there are new options, ideas and resources for advertising.

However, the question of ethics in advertising is very thin. For example, depending on the perception of culture. When you create advertising you have to remember that different countries have different cultures. You have to respect it. What is acceptable in the western world may be unacceptable in the east. True is another controversial issue, Have to advertising ability to be 100 percent right? Most believe that, yes, but what if we're talking about Pampers and Kotex companies where designers use fake blue water? As well, it is important to remember that advertisement have a strong impact on social mind. For example, now the problem of anorexia and bulimia widespread in fact because advertising inspires young girls think that unnatural standard of beauty is normal, which, by the way, isn't always right, even from a medical standpoint. I think that advertising must be in not only the rules that are prescribed in the laws, but should not lead to incitement of questions, answers to which people don't ready to give. Such as for example the question of religion. All the same, it is very deep and personal history for each person. I truly believe that good advertsement can and should teach people. It have to have interesting way of creation and wide way to show something new to people. As a designers, at present day, we have such many interesting and curious opportunities to solve problem of advertisement. Because of that we have not to touch some high red questions like religion or politic's field. So for me this is a good: hight quality, interesting, new and beathtaking, something which will push audience to think, but in positive way, not in bad direction, because we have so much negative around us. We have to be kind, even in advestisement, as a designer we can create kindness.

New ways of advertisement

In the modern days fast growing consumer demand push industry of advertising rapidly forward. From day by day we can see a lot of interesting solution in this area. Last 20 years give us some new wave in advertising.
  • Ambient advertisements

It started to appear in British media jargon around 1999, but now seems to be firmly established as a standard term within the advertising industry. It is the name given to a new breed of out-of-home products and services determined by some as non-traditional or alternative media. Ambient advertisements are effective means at pushing a brand message in front of consumers and can develop even better top of mind recall within target audiences. This provides the ability to advertisers to maintain brand awareness created by other advertising efforts. This type of advertising is working very closely with the interactive design. It's a surprise for the audience, because such advertising somewhere where people didn't expect to see it.

Dublin City Council in the fight for the purity of street decided to teach young people not to throw the used gum on the floor and in the trash cans. For this Irish creatives using gum stuck a few hundred pairs of shoes at one of Dublin's main shopping streets, providing them with stickers reading "Chewing Gum. Better to stick to the trash can. "

  • Guerrilla marketing

It is an advertising strategy in which low-cost unconventional means (graffiti or street art, sticker bombing, flash mobs) are used, often in a localized fashion or large network of individual cells, to convey or promote a product or an idea. The term guerrilla marketing is easily traced to guerrilla warfare, which utilizes atypical tactics to achieve a goal in a competitive and unforgiving environment.
Guerrilla marketing involves unusual approaches such as intercept encounters in public places, street giveaways of products, PRstunts, or any unconventional marketing intended to get maximum results from minimal resources. More innovative approaches to Guerrilla marketing now utilize mobile-digital technologies to engage the consumer and create a memorable brand experience. It focuses on low cost creative strategies of marketing. Basic requirements are time, energy, and imagination and not money. Profits, not sales, are the primary measure of success. Emphasis is on retaining existing customers rather than acquiring new ones.

  • Viral advertising campaigns
Viral marketing uses pre-existing social networking services and other technologies to produce increases in brand awareness or to achieve other marketing objectives (such as product sales) through self-replicating viral processes, analogous to the spread of viruses or computer viruses. It can be delivered by word of mouth or enhanced by the network effects of the Internet and mobile networks. Viral marketing may take the form of video clips, interactive Flash games, advergames, ebooks, brandable software, images, text messages, email messages, or web pages. Especially this type advertisement rapidly growing with developing social networks as FACEBOOK or YOUTUBE.


Unilever had a global hit with its “Dove Beauty Sketches” campaign this year, and the Canadian team moved fast to take advantage of that success. It used the same tactic – having women describe themselves to a forensic sketch artist – but for a Mother’s Day twist, it had those women’s daughters do the same to compare their view of themselves with how beautiful their daughters thought they were. To properly take advantage of the campaign’s momentum, the Canadian spot was produced in just one week.

In fact, from my point of view, all these new forms of advertising and marketing are closely related. So for example viral advertising campaigns and ambient media is part of the guerrilla marketing. It's great that now, customers are willing to pay sometimes for total crazy solutions. As a result, it helps advertising go out from traditional ways of development and makes it diverse and interesting. Our job as a designers become more and more exiting)
