04 мая 2014

CDinD: Manifesto.

Communications, based on mutual understanding, aim to building and achieving common sense. They don't create situations that generate misunderstanding, frustration and downfall. Trying to achieve maximum results, we forgot about it. 
Currently, designer and client constantly faced in project understanding implementation, interfering with each other and forgetting to listen and hear. Both sides insist on their opinion, forgetting that one of the main components of success is dialogue .
We are all afraid of this dialogue. We afraid of what we don't know or know but cannot explain. To client seems that only his knowledge can lead to success, and he afraid to trust the designer. Designer is afraid of losing the order, he is ready to perform any, sometimes the most silly comment. 
What for we studied so much? Correctly, to demonstrate understanding about good and bad design, for people who don't know about this area nothing. If the final product is bad, then both sides will blame each other. Because each is waiting specific guidance. You don't make decision, and hence it isn't your responsibility anymore .
In modern rapidly changing world, it's time to stop afraid of our own knowledges. And learn to build a dialogue and communication between the spheres.
Designers should realize they are not just a performer. We can customize a dialogue with the client on their language. There is no need to teach or to prove something for them. Use Illustrative examples, to show why something is better or worse . Don't be afraid. You studied, you have unique knowledge to develop the design area.
Clients, please, trust more in us designers, don't be afraid of creativity. We listen to you and all that you are talking about statistics and research, but don't tell us which font is better. We take responsibility for ours work and want to get a successful product. Not less than you. Believe it is important for us.
Let's start listening to each other. Learns to speak, though often we need a translator. Don't be afraid to ask. Even if the questions are silly.
Because, ultimately, we work together, to create something new and only together can become a successful.