27 ноября 2013


Walt Disney Concert Hall

In 1991 Frank Gehry commissioned us to develop an original visual signature and environmental graphics for the Walt Disney Concert Hall (WDCH), the new home of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra. The WDCH runs an entire city block, and is the cornerstone of an ongoing downtown revitalization program. 

From the beginning, our challenge was to create a signature identity that would resonate with Gehry’s iconoclastic building design without mimicking it. All signage had to be scalable in tone, equally at home with Philharmonic formal and downtown funky.

We tested over 5,000 existing typographic variants through a technique appropriate to the artistic roots of the building: Disney animation. By animating fonts and exploring the in-between frames as one font transformed into another, we invented a new font with dynamic range, which we dubbed “A Font Called Frank.” After testing it by creating posters for everything from a John Cage concert to a Wagner opera, we applied our invention to the building. We integrated the typography by embedding the information alive in the material itself, creating perforations in the metal to allow light to emanate from within.


Public park near the Hall is an oasis for concertgoers. At the center of the garden is a rose fountain dedicated to Lillian Disney, who provided the initial donation for the Concert Hall. The fountain is constructed from broken pieces of Delft China, Lillian’s favorite. Gehry named the fountain, “A Rose for Lilly.”

Today the Walt Disney Concert Hall is one of L.A.’s most recognizable landmarks.

20 ноября 2013


The story of IKEA began in 1943 . In modern IKEA operates 131 000 employees , opened stores in 41 countries. The turnover of 24.7 billion euros a year.

Principles of IKEA

Number 1: Cheap

This is the main principle of the company. Although, if we look closely, we see that it cannot apply to all products. There are some interesting design things that can hardly be called cheap. But the main thing - it's a common image and the right marketing strategy .

Buyers are constantly reminded of the low prices . Most of the advertisements based on the principle of attracting customers into the store with cheap products .

In the development of any product the first thing that define - it is the price at which it will be sold . And then, starting from the cost , decide how much money to allocate to the design, production, logistics, etc.

At IKEA hold firm pricing policy : keep prices at the same level of six months or more. The company welcomes the modest cost of staff .

And mind you, IKEA stores are always out of town, because prices for the rental of land in the suburbs less, and this is also an opportunity to make a low margin on goods.

Number 2: Conveniently number

Make shop comfortable making a purchase .

Let us remember even free coffee and tea for the owners of club cards and the ability to inexpensive meal , not very far from the goods.

A simple but brilliant move on the proposal buyers pencils and leaflets for records ? After the introduction of this inexpensive tricks sales increased by 7%.

Number 3: For a long time, but somehow comfortable.

No wonder all the chain's stores are huge and long. Naturally the route of your movement carefully considered.

Beautiful and thoughtful interiors - is also part of the strategy .

Especially because the designers have thought of you as you make it. Add to this the freedom for buyers: lie down , sit , wander, wherever you want, touch , jump ( for children). You can even sleep on a mattress , no you won't wake up .

Advertising companies

The basic idea of all advertising campaigns IKEA is the idea that the house - this is the most important place on earth in the life of every person, order and comfort in the house - is the key to health, family and happiness, and inexpensive furniture and home furnishings IKEA give scope for home creativity.

4 "flat-exhibition" measuring 20 by 20 feet, furnished with IKEA furniture and located on the streets of New York.

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the BILLY bookcase, IKEA has built the world's longest bookshelf of 30 sections in red on the popular Sydney (Australia) Bondi Beach (Bondi Beach).

Popular artists Jenny Mc Cracken (Jenny McCracken) and Anton Pulvirenti (Anton Pulvirenti), working with chalk and paint a picture in 3D, commissioned by IKEA Australia, in September made ​​part of the popular pedestrian area.

Picture stamped with chalk on the pavement, is a 3D illusion of a huge kitchen with a sink and a dryer. Photographers offer to all passers-by to pose for pictures and make unique images, looking at that really gives the impression that you are in the kitchen.

Other examples of advertising IKEA

11 ноября 2013

Project A

Project outline.

Sharing is Caring

Collaborative Consumption: Student's Stuff. Gifts Exchange System.


The level of students in UK universities totalled 435,230 people.
Typically, students come and buy things at stores like IKEA for example, my bill from this store was somewhere around 150 pounds. Just what that stuff I re-buy herself further. That is, on average, I spent about 350 pounds, just for making my room convenient to me. It can be assumed that a meal costs about 7 (cafe) pounds for meal and one person have to eat 3 times during a day, then, the student can expect to live about 2 weeks using this money for products in cafes.

The idea and history

Each student spent a lot of time and money for stuff for their room. When I came in UK, I was lucky because friend of mine graduated university in the same time when I arrived I called her and she gave away some stuff. I saved money and she saved nerves. Everybody were happy, this was the first time when I started think about system of Gifts Exchange for students stuff.

The positive side of the issue

This system has various important point
  • Every graduated student will not have a headache about were they have to put their at the end of year.
  • This is a good way to help young people spend their money.
  • Gifts&Exchange will be have good impact  ecological situation
  • Events for new students can help them to social in new environment
  • It will safe nerves

I guess that slogan and name "Sharing is Caring" is very suitable because because the undertanding of these words is very kind and homely. Like someone cares about you, and you are not alone. It's so important to feel these senses when you're in a foreign country for you.


The brand which I really admire is brand of city Belfast. It was very simple idea of logo but it shows everything about the city, people and events there.

The main point of all company is "This is the Belfast's moment", I guess logo truly shows all this inside it.

They have 16 colors in brandbook for identity. This gives a lot of opportunities for using it in different areas. Also they have co-brand options like - call to action inside logo. 

In general, I think this company and especially were very succesful and clear.

10 ноября 2013


Mood boards

I create two mood boards. First one, to show why I chose this symbol for introduce the company. The second one, to present how I understand values of my company.



  • Road - from old to new
  • Grass - growth
  • Sun - fresh ideas
  • Apple - we are original
  • Stairs - new level
  • Aurora - new beginning
  • Flowers - diversity
  • Old park - traditions
  • Blooming - live


I thought very much about what i want to choose for object symbolic of my company. I trying to understand what exactly I guess to say for my client about me and company.

After several nights, I understood that the only thing which can show everything about me, is my debutant's diadem. This is very private, how from ordinary girl with dreams and wishes, I become young lady with new roads and new life. The diadem is symbol for me of something new. Different life, level and people. It's mean that person how become part of this event want something in life.

And through it's I want to show everybody that everything in our life is possible. It's a symbol of something very special, other level, because the occasion, where I bring my diadem gave me many important, novel and incredible things and people in my life.