21 января 2014

Project A. Critical reflection.

Each student spends a lot of time and money for stuff for their room. 

SharingCaring is a system that helps students to exchange or give away stuff for room.  Something that they don't use anymore. However, somebody else need it  in their life during study.

This system is composed of:

A special site, where people can registrate, to find what they need and contact in personal message/page.

Sharing Caring desk in hall of university, where students can write information on special papers.

SahringCaring events in one university or in working together with others. Events are in format like a fairs, where people can walk to find something what they need or to meet their neighbors. This point have and social influence. Very often student live in halls or very far from university, because of that, they don't have chances to meet with others.

This idea based on my personal experiance. When I came in UK first time, I thinking about how I will buy all what I need, how many time it will take? How many money?

I used website of the store of IKEA, to understood how much money I will spend if I have standart shopping list. The total amount was:  £229.90
After a short calculation, I realized that this amount as the same as, like I will eat three times a day, during 12 days in the café ( cost of one meal 6) without spending time on cooking.

But I was lucky because friend of mine graduated university in the same time while I arrived. I called her and she gave away some stuff. I saved money and she saved nerves. Everybody were happy, this was the first time when I started think about such system for students.

This system works together with universities through students unions to inform people about this opportunity.

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