29 апреля 2014

CDinD: Manifesto. Research & Idea

This module made me think about how far beyond the notion of design, gone the nature of design. How many things people must to know and understand if they want to create a quality product. And most of them should be able to look through the prism design.

Ten most important things that I discovered through this module:
  1. Designer must take full responsibility for what he/she created.
  2. Design, as part of advertising and outside it , can have a huge impact on the community.
  3. Now designer is the person who owns not only the language of drawing. He/she needs to know and understand such things as laws, psychology, economics.
  4. Creative people have to think more often about the general ethics of the product
  5. Every line that it means something, everything has value.
  6. It is important to build a good dialogue client - designer
  7. With advances in technology there is a new culture of design. Design now is an interdisciplinary discipline.
  8. The designer can be a teacher.
  9. Design can help change the world for the better.
  10. People should stop understand design as accessories

Before, I started write my personal manifesto, I decided to make some research about this phenomenon in world culture.


An art manifesto is a public declaration of the intentions, motives, or views of an artist or artistic movement. Manifestos are a standard feature of the various movements in the modernist avant-garde and are still written today. Art manifestos are mostly extreme in their rhetoric and intended for shock value to achieve a revolutionary effect. They often address wider issues, such as the political system. Typical themes are the need for revolution, freedom (of expression) and the implied or overtly stated superiority of the writers over the status quo. The manifesto gives a means of expressing, publicising and recording ideas for the artist or art group—even if only one or two people write the words, it is mostly still attributed to the group name.

The first art manifesto of the 20th century was introduced with the Futurists in Italy in 1909, and readily taken up by the Vorticists, Dadaists and the Surrealists after them: the period up to World War II created what are still the best known manifestos. Although they never stopped being issued, other media such as the growth of broadcasting tended to sideline such declarations. Due to the internet there has been a resurgence of the form, and many new manifestos are now appearing to a potential worldwide audience. The Stuckists have made particular use of this to start a worldwide movement of affiliated groups.

The most interesting manifestos from my point of view (which I found):
  • The Futurist manifesto
  • Neo - Futurism
  • Dogma 95
  • The Romantic manifesto
  • Symbolist manifesto
  • Stuckists manifesto
  • Refus global


In any field, to work effectively we must be able to customize dialog between people. Especially, it is important when two (or more) parties have unilateral knowledges. That is, each responsible for its liability area.

Unfortunately, at present, not all clients and designers are understand the value of this dialog.

This morning friend of mine called me. She is marketer and she complained of the fact that the designer in her bank cannot understand exactly what she wants. This is of a problem with communication and miscommunication between two professionals who have unilateral knowledges. I also said a few friends who act as clients. Even with a large network international agencies there is a problem. From the other hand designer, in turn, doesn't want to explain and afraid to be a consultant  for client, he/she doesn't care much about final project, designer thinks more about money.

After I listened a few people from the client's side and its put it together with my designer's position, I came that so many misunderstandings occur precisely because of the problem of communication and simple fear. Fear to be wrong or to be silly, fear of losing a client or spoil the work. Both sides have to stop afraid and have more trust in each other.

Thus the only, right subject of my manifesto, from my point of view, is the idea allocution to designers and potential clients about how important to create a dialog. I truly believe, that  from one point of view designers need to understand that they can act not only as a simple worker but as also to be consultant for clients. From second side, clients have to trust their designers more. We must learn to listen and hear each other, as this directly affects the effectiveness of creative process.

The past few years, the world created a new environment for design, as it has been many times before in history. At the same time, what new business markets (South America, Asia, East and Russia as well ) may become noble ground for development new era of design.  Here it can be correct, fresh and successful. The designer not just a performer, anymore.

My manifesto:
Idea: Communication between designers and clients 

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