20 ноября 2013


The story of IKEA began in 1943 . In modern IKEA operates 131 000 employees , opened stores in 41 countries. The turnover of 24.7 billion euros a year.

Principles of IKEA

Number 1: Cheap

This is the main principle of the company. Although, if we look closely, we see that it cannot apply to all products. There are some interesting design things that can hardly be called cheap. But the main thing - it's a common image and the right marketing strategy .

Buyers are constantly reminded of the low prices . Most of the advertisements based on the principle of attracting customers into the store with cheap products .

In the development of any product the first thing that define - it is the price at which it will be sold . And then, starting from the cost , decide how much money to allocate to the design, production, logistics, etc.

At IKEA hold firm pricing policy : keep prices at the same level of six months or more. The company welcomes the modest cost of staff .

And mind you, IKEA stores are always out of town, because prices for the rental of land in the suburbs less, and this is also an opportunity to make a low margin on goods.

Number 2: Conveniently number

Make shop comfortable making a purchase .

Let us remember even free coffee and tea for the owners of club cards and the ability to inexpensive meal , not very far from the goods.

A simple but brilliant move on the proposal buyers pencils and leaflets for records ? After the introduction of this inexpensive tricks sales increased by 7%.

Number 3: For a long time, but somehow comfortable.

No wonder all the chain's stores are huge and long. Naturally the route of your movement carefully considered.

Beautiful and thoughtful interiors - is also part of the strategy .

Especially because the designers have thought of you as you make it. Add to this the freedom for buyers: lie down , sit , wander, wherever you want, touch , jump ( for children). You can even sleep on a mattress , no you won't wake up .

Advertising companies

The basic idea of all advertising campaigns IKEA is the idea that the house - this is the most important place on earth in the life of every person, order and comfort in the house - is the key to health, family and happiness, and inexpensive furniture and home furnishings IKEA give scope for home creativity.

4 "flat-exhibition" measuring 20 by 20 feet, furnished with IKEA furniture and located on the streets of New York.

To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the BILLY bookcase, IKEA has built the world's longest bookshelf of 30 sections in red on the popular Sydney (Australia) Bondi Beach (Bondi Beach).

Popular artists Jenny Mc Cracken (Jenny McCracken) and Anton Pulvirenti (Anton Pulvirenti), working with chalk and paint a picture in 3D, commissioned by IKEA Australia, in September made ​​part of the popular pedestrian area.

Picture stamped with chalk on the pavement, is a 3D illusion of a huge kitchen with a sink and a dryer. Photographers offer to all passers-by to pose for pictures and make unique images, looking at that really gives the impression that you are in the kitchen.

Other examples of advertising IKEA

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