11 ноября 2013

Project A

Project outline.

Sharing is Caring

Collaborative Consumption: Student's Stuff. Gifts Exchange System.


The level of students in UK universities totalled 435,230 people.
Typically, students come and buy things at stores like IKEA for example, my bill from this store was somewhere around 150 pounds. Just what that stuff I re-buy herself further. That is, on average, I spent about 350 pounds, just for making my room convenient to me. It can be assumed that a meal costs about 7 (cafe) pounds for meal and one person have to eat 3 times during a day, then, the student can expect to live about 2 weeks using this money for products in cafes.

The idea and history

Each student spent a lot of time and money for stuff for their room. When I came in UK, I was lucky because friend of mine graduated university in the same time when I arrived I called her and she gave away some stuff. I saved money and she saved nerves. Everybody were happy, this was the first time when I started think about system of Gifts Exchange for students stuff.

The positive side of the issue

This system has various important point
  • Every graduated student will not have a headache about were they have to put their at the end of year.
  • This is a good way to help young people spend their money.
  • Gifts&Exchange will be have good impact  ecological situation
  • Events for new students can help them to social in new environment
  • It will safe nerves

I guess that slogan and name "Sharing is Caring" is very suitable because because the undertanding of these words is very kind and homely. Like someone cares about you, and you are not alone. It's so important to feel these senses when you're in a foreign country for you.

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